Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ewa Haseko Corp Digs Big Giant Hole In The Ewa Karst And Then Fills It Back Up!

Ewa Haseko Corp Digs Big Giant Hole In The Ewa Karst And Then Fills It Back Up!

No, we aren't talking about the Marina-Lagoon-Large Mossy Swimming Hole, this is a completely separate giant hole large enough to hold a WW-II battleship. 

At left the Hoakalei Foundation Preserve and center is the past Marina now Lagoon.

Above and top left of the Ewa Haseko Project Area as seen in their Phase II EIS is a very large excavation where massive amounts of karst (ancient coral) was removed and used to fill areas in the Phase I Project Area, as seen to the right of the Phase II Project Area.

Here it is, a giant hole. Then Haseko pump's in water from the Marina-Lagoon!

Then they fill the big hole back up with dirt brought in from other locations!
Asked about the big giant hole at an Ewa Neighborhood Board meeting Haseko
denies that any such hole ever existed!

Honolulu Cave Adventure: Punynari Explores Moiliili (Honolulu, Hawaii) Karst 

Fantastic Must See Oahu Karst Cave Videos And Photos 

Bio Diversity: The Moiliili Karst Formation

Mōʻiliʻili Karst Water Cave

Hiking Hawaii: Moiliili (Honolulu, Hawaii) Karst Cave

Video and Links: Mo'ili'ili Underground Caverns Video 

Karst Cave Hiking Adventure: Moili'ili Karst Exploration